Sequence Puzzles
Sequence puzzles are a good way to introduce patterns. I use them to indroduce the "patterns" lecture on week two. My sons said these were their favorite puzzles of the whole year.
What is the next item in the sequence?
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ?
The Fibonacce Sequence. Each item is the sum of the previous two
The Fibonacce Sequence. Each item is the sum of the previous two.
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19, ?
O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, N, ?
Spell the words for 1 through 10:
O ne
T wo
T hree
F our
F ive
S ix
S even
E ight
N ine
T en
Spell the words for 1 through 10:
O ne
T wo
T hree
F our
F ive
S ix
S even
E ight
N ine
T en


They are the numbers 1-7 (on the right) with a mirror image (on the left).
The Fibonacce Sequence. Each item is the sum of the previous two.
They are the numbers 1-7 (on the right) with a mirror image (on the left).


Chinese characters for 1-9. Ten is a cross.
The Fibonacce Sequence. Each item is the sum of the previous two.
They are the numbers 1-7 (on the right) with a mirror image (on the left).
Chinese characters for 1-9. Ten is a cross.
Notice how easy they seem, after you know the patterns.